Tasty Bistro

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Str. Sg. Constantin Ghercu, nr. 14, Demisol, Sector 6 (langa Club Princess in Regie) Bucuresti
0770 68.48.13
[email protected]
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Program "Tasty Bistro"

Luni-Vineri: 8.30-19.00
Sambata: 9.00-17.00 Modifica programul

Descriere "Tasty Bistro"

Tasty Bistro is a cozy restaurant serving international TASTY dishes in a modern and relaxed atmosphere.
Happiness is Food Related!
From the menu:burgers, sandwiches, soup, pasta, salad, quesadilla, croissant, pain au chocolate, quiche, tiramisu, cheesecake, fruit tart, coffee, cappuccino, fresh juice, juice, beer.
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Spune-ti parerea despre "Tasty Bistro"

  • Foloseste un limbaj decent, clar si concis.
  • Respecta Termenii si conditiile.
  • Nu folosi DOAR LITERE MARI.
  • Refera-te la locatia in chestiune.
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